Saturday, July 13, 2013

Washington Park Cemetery clean up : Stltoday

I fondly remember taking a trip in 2002.  I took a three-week driving trip from New Mexico to Iowa to Illinois to Michigan to Ohio to New Jersey and back again.  I dragged along my husband and three kids and we camped along the way.  I had plotted numerous locations for us to stop and search cemeteries for long lost ancestors.  I would hand my kids a piece of paper with a name on it and tell them to match it to a headstone.  All but one was too young to read.  I thought it was the greatest of times.  I do not think that my husband did since he would have been happier golfing but he helped also.  I think we visited over 20 cemeteries during that trip.

My kids are older now and every time I plan a trip they say "no cemeteries, Mom!!"   What I find so great is that my kids this week went to a LIFE conference in Saint Louis.  This conference has over 5,600 high school students and leaders.  They go out into the community and do service projects.  They split the kids up into small groups and send them out.  The group my kids were in went to the Washington Park Cemetery to clean it up.  I laughed so hard when they texted me to tell me they were headed there.  They are on vacation without me and heading to a cemetery!  I am a very proud mom.

Washington Park Cemetery clean up : Stltoday

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